RGK Dental Lab Inc 130 Stern St PO Box 134 Friedens, PA 15541 US

specializing in crown and bridge and plus custom shading

Matisse: One bake plus system for custom shades


Custom shading with out shade tabs!

Eliminate ever having to use a shade tabs to create a life like restoration. All you need is a digital camera, good flash, a Polar Eyes filter and white balance card. 

This is the first picture we need. A fully hydrated, polar eyes pic of the tooth we want to match . This will be our baseline, LAB numbers,  for matching the tooth. 


The Prep

Getting a polar eyes picture  of a hydrated prep allows us to see what the LAB numbers are and then select the right framework to build the restoration on.


Regular picture

A fully hydrated tooth allows us to see how the tooth looks like for depth of translucency, color and the underlying nuances that make up the tooth's  over all color.


Matisse recipe

When we enter the lab values of a polar eyes picture into Matisse, we get varying recipe's as shown for the gingival, middle and incisal.


The Layering process

With Matisse, we then build from the incisal downward, controlling the layering process of the incisal, middle , then gingival third. 


Each step is documented

With each step in the lab, everything is documented by picture. This is how we control the process to ensure LAB numbers are correct. No guessing. After the first fire , modifications are made for LAB and for nuances.


Virtual try in

Once the case is completer, we do a virtual side by  side comparison with the natural tooth. We check LAB numbers to ensure the match with in a certain range. we also check the nuances seen in a natural tooth. If needed minor adjustments can be made at this time.


The completed case

With controlled outcome the results are much more predictable with Matisse System: One Bake plus and fewer returns for adjustments.


Our Goal

Our goal has always been to replicate the natural tooth to the best of our ability. This system, has allowed us to more closely replicate the natural tooth then ever before and many times cases are inserted on the furst attempt. So take the next step and ask for a Matisse System custom layered restoration.
